OBX Spray Tan

Fake it…Don't bake it!


Preparation For Your Spray Tan:

  • Shower, Shave & Exfoliate with a non-abrasive exfoliant.
  • Do not wear lotion, makeup or deodorant
  • Wear loose, dark clothing and open toed sandals

After Your Spray Tan:

  • Wait at least 8 hours (preferably 8-12 hours) to shower
  • Avoid showering with soap for the first time after your tan
  • You may see some of the topical color rub off onto your clothing, sheets, or towels. Don’t worry, this washes out
  • Immediately following your tan, avoid activities that may cause you to sweat or doing dishes as this may cause your tan to drip/streak or wash off
  • Remember to moisturize after your shower

Extending Your Spray Tan:

  • Avoid long hot showers, excessive chlorine and exfoliating as this will cause your skin cells to shed quicker, shortening the length of your tan
  • If possible, try to avoid products with alpha hydroxy acid, prescription face cream/wash, face masks, and waxing/hair removal creams as these products exfoliate the skin and make the tan fade faster
  • Use a tan extender in between tanning sessions a couple times a week